Monday, 16 February 2015

Import into Unity

After finishing our modelling, we finally got a chance to create our own real-time demo. So happy!

Here are three steps for importing the models from Maya to Unity game engine.

In order to import into Unity, we exported the file as FBX. When choosing Export Selection Options, we selected the file type as FBX export. Then, click Export Selection button. Remember to tick Embed Media checkbox when exporting. To do this, we can get one file with embedded texture rather than a separate folder including textures.

Screen Shot 2015-02-15 at 20.59.19.png

After getting the FBX file, we built a new project in Unity and then clicked “open scene” to load the FBX file. You can see the scene as below.  We added some lights based on the requirement. 

The next step is to import the character into the scene. In order to make it simple, we used the characters which have been included in Unity. Click “Assets”, “Import Package” then “Character Controllers”. We imported the “first person” into our scene and put it in the center of the lobby. Here may be some problems about falling down from the floor and we added component of collider to both character and the floor. 

Finally, we published the game by clicking “File”, “Build Settings” ”Web Player”. As a result, we have an html file and Unity data in a folder. By putting both of them into the web space, we got our real-time demo.

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